Monday, November 18, 2013

Redwork Quilts as Fundraisers

I have a lecture on Redwork quilts.  I show some of the antique redwork quilts in my collection and cover different aspects of these unique quilts.   Several of the quilts in my lecture focuse on Redwork Fundraising quilts.  When these quilts were being made, quilters charged people to have their signatures embroidered on a quilt.  Signatures cost as little as .10 cents. 

After signatures were sold and the blocks embroidered, a quilt was put together and raffled off., furthering the fundraising.

The Michigan State Museum has a quilt in their collection that was a fundraiser for the KKK.  You can ready about the quilt here  


 Not a cause I would support, but it is a part of quilt history.

There are other examples of signature quilts that are used as fundraisers. 

So I was excited to read this in the news.. A Redword Fundraising quilt that was made in World War I has been placed in a museum.  Here is the link:

It is a great article and a great story about a quilt.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring on Long Island

The Peconic Estuary is very close to my house.  It is a small 44 acre parcel of land set aside to protect groundwater.  I love to hike with my boyfriend and dog in these woods.

Today I brought my camera.  I wanted to show how hard the fall and winter was for Long Island.  First Hurricane Sandy knocked down many trees, then the heavy snows snapped many branches or the tops right off the trees.  The forest shows it.

I can't wait for it to start greening up!  Spring please come!